Necco Corporate Culture | Your Wellness

Corporate Culture: #4 Your Wellness

Necco's fourth Corporate Culture Principle, Your Wellness, is an important a tenet as any other principle: In order to take care of others, you must first take care of yourself. This concept can be easier said than done. Working in the Child Welfare industry, we naturally put the needs of others before our own. But when it comes to our health, we must put ourselves first.

In 2016, Necco launched "Find Your Wellness", a program aimed at helping our people improve their individual wellness. The program “Your Wellness” belongs to our people and it is up to each person to be responsible for their own wellness. The special twist of the program is that Necco recognizes that everyone’s wellness is different, therefore, they must find what works for each of them!

Erica Theilman of the Necco Louisville Office shares how she was an unlikely candidate for the Find Your Wellness Program. Motivated by the opportunity to win money and prizes, she began to participate. Within a year, she had made a complete lifestyle change and was the 2016 Find Your Wellness winner:

I showed absolutely no interest in Necco’s Find Your Wellness Program when it first rolled out.  About mid-way through the year, Keri Revel, Louisville Community Case Manager, came to our team to speak about the perks that come along with participating in the program.  I was all about it then.     I had always been the person who refused to go to the doctor because of the cost.  But I wanted to be involved in the program, so I went.  I am glad I did. The simple testing my doctor did caught a potential health condition in its early stages! If it weren’t for the program, I would be headed down the road of frequent doctor’s visits and chronic medication.
  Basically, my story is about an amazing opportunity I received through Necco’s Find Your Wellness Program.  I want other people to see what can come out of this program so they will take advantage of it too!  It’s super easy to earn all the points within the year and the more points you earn, the bigger the incentives get!  Winning the $750 shopping spree was a huge surprise!  I can’t wait to see who wins it next year!  My parting advice:   Get in the game!