Real Talk with IL Youth: Triumph In Trying

Cordarious Kitchens, an Independent Living Youth from Atlanta, Georgia, shares some words of wisdom for other foster and independent living youth in Part 1 of this 4 Part series.

Triumph In Trying

It's fair to say that we all aspire to achieve more, do more and be more than what we are, right? To "Triumph" in certain areas of our lives; have better finances, great health, social status and the tempting perversions of authority and power. Whether you are going back to school to get your GED or obtain your 10th degree, "Triumph" & the savory spoils of victory is a joint success imagined and hoped for by millions of people each day. We all strive to reach a benevolent ending to our struggles, a profound insightful conclusion to the crisis at hand, the sigh of relief to a long fought battle signaling the end of an uphill fight. In voluntarily seeking the vices of victory, we neglect the teachings and wisdom that comes from "In between". What is "In between"? You are not where you used to be, but the finish line is nowhere in sight. You can no longer recognize me from where I came from but I can't tell you where I AM because I'm not there yet. The POSITION I'm in doesn't match the MISSION that I set forth upon in hopes of success and fulfillment.

Have you ever been "In Between"? You know where you want to be! I see it, I feel it, but I'm nowhere NEAR it. I am no longer bound by the traumas of yesterday, the economical, social and emotional handicaps of what I came from: "I have a job now", "my child has been cancer free for 6 months", "I'm going back to school", "I don't like this job but I'm making ends meet", "I don't have everything but I have more than I used to", "I'm back in my child's life", "I've been clean for 2 months". In all our SMALL accomplishments, we can never receive the value of them because we've made progress, but we're not there yet.

I've learned in Necco that valuing my small victories, praising my small accomplishments set the pathway to achieving my greater glory. I've learned that the PROCESS to PROGRESS is the catalyst that precipitates the building blocks to the dream we hope for. Be COURAGEOUS, the fire of your infirmity forges you and crafts you into a sharp sword: daring, able and determined! In transitioning from a teenager to a young adult, sacrifices and the wisdom to find the FORTUNES in FAILURE were pivotal standing points in me stepping into a new world, entering into a new perspective and refreshing idioms of thought. I finally felt the sometimes overbearing "rush" that comes with responsibility.

The naivety of my youth ceased and the harsh demands of adulthood prematurely forced me to either sink in my suffering or SWIM through my SORROWS to SUCCESS.

Independent Living Youth