Bowling Green Kentucky Builds Families

Did you know in Kentucky right now there are over 1,774 children in foster care waiting to be adopted? We are so proud to tell you there are 4 less children here in Kentucky waiting for their forever families because our Necco foster parents know exactly how to build families, and most of all know how to BUILD FOREVER FAMILIES. We are so proud to share with each of you the story of two Necco foster families who have taken extraordinary measures to be able to give the gift of family to these 4 beautiful children. Tina and Danny Duke adopted Damian into their forever family on July 22, 2014. Through Danny and Tina’s love, dedication, and commitment to Damien they have been able to not only make him one happy little boy, but make him their son. Congratulations Danny and Tina!

To our surprise just a few weeks after Damien’s adoption Rondal and Connie Shirley were able to adopt their 3 beautiful princesses; Alma, Iliana, and Maria. Rondal and Connie have had these wonderful girls in their home since one of the girls was just 3 months old. We have enjoyed watching the Shirley family grow over the last 3 years. Oh, Rondal and Shirley how the branches of your family tree have grown; Congratulations!